Trump accuses Clinton of 'bigotry,' says she opposes police
- Autor: Jerald Jones Ago 18, 2016,
Ago 18, 2016, 3:18
Tim Kaine is bringing up Benghazi as he compares Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Bannon's website has been fiercely loyal to Trump for months and sharply critical of Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan. When his ties to the Kremlin came under scrutiny, he absurdly claimed that Hillary was the one who was too close to Putin.
"The riots and destruction that have taken place in Milwaukee is an assault on the right of all citizens to live in security and to live in peace", he said. "And that means being able to receive these briefings and not spread them around".
But should he win the election, he would be the commander-in-chief of American military forces, able to deploy anything from carrier battle groups to ballistic missiles to settle a Twitter beef.
However, Trump shows that thinking about foreign policy in crude zero-sum terms does not automatically translate to pursuing the national advantage. At this point, Trump is either trying to humiliate his supporters by advancing patently stupid ideas or has given up trying to think through policies logically. For starters, one of the civic values that would be evaluated is a visa applicant's views on the free exercise of religion.
Trump isn't alone in raising such concerns.
The Democratic vice presidential nominee said Clinton did not lash out after being criticized at the Republican convention by some "who lost loved ones in Benghazi".
Trump's speech Tuesday included appeals to African-Americans, a demographic of voters that has largely supported Democrats in recent elections including overwhelmingly voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012.
Trump has suggested that he might accept Russia's annexation of Crimea and might not defend NATO allies in the Baltics if they haven't fully paid their dues.
There are exceptions to the rules - for refugee asylum or inter-country adoption, for example. That raises questions about where a Trump administration would draw the line. Last year, then-presidential candidate Sen.
Muere el actor Leopoldo Ortín de un infarto al miocardio
Alrededor de las 3:30 horas el artista murió a causa de un infarto al miocardio mientras reposaba en su domicilio. Fue hijo del célebre actor Leopoldo "Chato" Ortín , una de las figuras de la Época de Oro del cine mexicano .
Argentina cayó ante España y ahora le reza a Lituania
Obligado a buscar los tiros exteriores, el equipo africano abusó de los tiros de tres, fallando la mayoría de ellos. En el segundo cuarto, Argentina pudo mejorar su rendimiento a la diferencia entre ambos equipos fue más estrecha.
Edgardo Bauza: "En esta Selección no hay un solo capitán"
En otro orden, Bauza , de 58 años, habló sobre la reorganización de las selecciones juveniles, situación que catalogó como "muy importante".
"In their quest to maintain control of the New York State Senate, Republicans - who continue to face a two-to-one enrollment disadvantage to Democrats in New York - have the added burden of following Donald Trump on the ballot", Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said in a statement.
"I also believe we could find common ground with Russia when it comes to fighting ISIS".
"The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. He can hire and fire anyone he wants from his campaign, they can make him read new words from a teleprompter, but he is still the same man", she said on the stump in Cleveland. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person. Murder 50 fags and injure 50 more and you're a tragic victim, probably reacting to islamophobia, whose dad will be invited to stand behind Hillary Clinton at arally.
Trump began his visit to the city with a meeting with local law enforcement officers at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center on Lake Michigan.
"With each passing Trump attack, it becomes clearer that his strategy is just to say about Hillary Clinton what's true of himself".
Trump has been vague about how he would drive out all undocumented immigrants, but has promised to do so, potentially with a "deportation force".
The most maddening thing in Trump's case is that what he offers most insistently, absolute security against terrorism, is a chimera.
Indeed, as a longtime advocate of unilateral executive power over immigration and foreign policy, Clinton would be hard-pressed to challenge Trump's authority to impose such tests absent a conflict with federal law. But during the 20th Century, the US barred immigrants who believed in communism or anarchism.